SECS Message Detail

SECS-I Basic Sequence

  1. Single Block
      Master                 Slave
        |                       |
        |          ENQ          |
        |          EOT          |
        |          Message      |
        |          ACK          |
        |                       |
    The sequence of the communication is the same as the above communication when the direction is opposite.

  2. In case of Contention
      Master                 Slave
        |                       |
        |    ENQ        ENQ     |
        |---------> X <---------|
        |          EOT          |
        |          Message      |
        |          ACK          |
        |                       |
    If two equipments(or Hosts) has relation of Master/Slave , EOT will be send from slave side.

  3. Multi Block
      Master                 Slave
        |                       |
        |          ENQ          |
        |          EOT          |
        |    Message(Block 1)   | Block No. ="" 1
        |---------------------->| E Bit ="" 0
        |          ACK          |
        |          ENQ          |
        |          EOT          |
        |    Message(Block 2)   | Block No. ="" 2
        |---------------------->| E Bit ="" 0
        |          ACK          |
        |           :           |
        |           :           |
        |                       |
        |          ENQ          |
        |          EOT          |
        |    Message(Block n)   | Block No. ="" n
        |---------------------->| E Bit ="" 1
        |          ACK          |
    If Slave side send ENQ to Master during multi block message, ENQ will be ignored.

HSMS Basic Sequence

  1. TCP/IP Connection
    Establish TCP/IP Connection.
      Entity                 Entity
        |                       |
        | TCP Connect Request   |
        | TCP Connect Response  |
        |                       |
    This is only available from the entity on the Active Mode(Client).

  2. Select Procedure
    Establish HSMS Communication.
      Entity                 Entity
        |                       |
        | Select.req            |
        | Select.rsp            |
        |                       |
    This is only available from the entity on the Active Mode(Client).

  3. Data Procedure
    This is available from both entities in case of the state SLECTED.

    [Message that requires response]
      Entity                 Entity
        |                       |
        | Primary Message       |
        | Response Message      |
        |                       |
    [Message that does not require response]
      Entity                 Entity
        |                       |
        | Primary Message       |
        |                       |
  4. Deselect Procedure
    This is used to terminate HSMS Communication normally before the disconnection of TCP/IP.
      Entity                 Entity
        |                       |
        | Deselect.req          |
        | Deselect.rsp          |
        |                       |
    This is only available from the entity on the Active Mode(Client).

  5. Link Test Procedure
    This in used to confirm whether TCP/IP and HSMS communication is normal, or not. This is available from both entities in case of the state SELECTED.
      Entity                 Entity
        |                       |
        | Linktest.req          |
        | Linktest.rsp          |
        |                       |
  6. Separate Procedure
    This is used to terminate HSMS Communication. This is available from both entities in case of state SELECTED.
      Entity                 Entity
        |                       |
        | Separate.req          |
        |                       |
  7. Reject Procedure
    This is used when an entity receives an invalid HSMS message.SELECTED.
      Entity                 Entity
        |                       |
        | Invalid Message       |
        | Reject.req            |
        |                       |
  8. Flow from TCP/IP Connection to TCP/IP Disconnection
      Entity                 Entity
        |                       |
        | TCP Connect Request   |
        | TCP Connect Response  |
        |                       |
        | Select.req            |
        | Select.rsp            |
        |                       |
        | Message Transmit      |
        | Message Response      |
        |                       |
        |          :            |
        |                       |
        | Message Transmit      |
        | Message Response      |
        |                       |
        |          :            |
        |                       |
        | Separate.req          |
        | TCP Disconnect        |
        |                       |

SECS Message Detail

The definition of the message of all SECS is not included in this document. It is necessary to note only that the message often used with GEM-Standard in the SECS message is described here.

S01F00| S01F01| S01F02| S01F03| S01F04| S01F11| S01F12| S01F13| S01F14| S01F15| S01F16| S01F17| S01F18|
S02F00| S02F13| S02F14| S02F15| S02F16| S02F17| S02F18| S02F23| S02F24| S02F29| S02F30| S02F31| S02F32| S02F33| S02F34| S02F35| S02F36| S02F37| S02F38| S02F39| S02F40| S02F41| S02F42| S02F43| S02F44| S02F45| S02F46| S02F47| S02F48|
S05F00| S05F01| S05F02| S05F03| S05F04| S05F05| S05F06|
S06F00| S06F01| S06F02| S06F05| S06F06| S06F11| S06F12| S06F15| S06F16| S06F19| S06F20| S06F23| S06F24|
S07F00| S07F01| S07F02| S07F03| S07F04| S07F05| S07F06| S07F17| S07F18| S07F19| S07F20| S07F27| S07F28| S07F29| S07F30|
S09F00| S09F01| S09F03| S09F05| S09F07| S09F09| S09F11| S09F13|
S10F00| S10F01| S10F02| S10F03| S10F04| S10F05| S10F06| S10F07|

S01F00 Abort Transaction H <–> E

Description: Used in lieu of an expected reply to abort a transaction. Function 0 is defined in every stream and has the same meaning in every stream.

Structure: Header only.

S01F01 Are You There Request ( R ) H <–> E reply

Description: Establishes if the equipment is online.

Structure: Header only.

S01F02 On Line Data ( D ) H <–> E

Description: Data signifying the equipment is online.


Exception: The host sends a zero-length list to the equipment.

S01F03 Selected Equipment Status Request ( SSR ) H   -> E reply

Description: A request to the equipment to report selected status values.
A zero length list indicates to send all status variable data.

1. <SVID1>
n. <SVIDn>

S01F04 Selected Equipment Status Data ( SSD ) H <-   E

Description: The Equipment reports the selected status values in the order requested. It is the responsibility of the host to remember the names of values requested. If a zero-length list is specified by the host, the status variables are reported in order of VID.

1. <SVID1>
n. <SVIDn>

S01F11 Status Variable Namelist Request (SVNR) H   -> E reply

Description: A request to the equipment to identify certain status variables.
A zero-length list implies a report of all SVID’s.

1. <SVID1>
n. <SVIDn>

S01F12 Status Variable Namelist Reply (SVNRR) H <–> E

Description: The equipment sends to the host the name and units of the requested SV’s.

1. L,3
n. L,3

S01F13 Establish Communications Request ( CR ) H <–> E reply

Description: A formal means of establishing communications upon power up or following a break in communications. It is possible that he host sends a zero length to the equipment. The host message is a list of zero length.


S01F14 Establish Communications Request Acknowledge( CRA ) H <–> E

Description: Accept or reject request to establish communications online. If from the host, the host may send a zero length list.


S01F15 Request OFF-LINE ( ROFL ) H   -> E

Description: The host requests the equipment communication status to transition to the OFF-LINE state.

Structure: Header only

S01F16 OFF-LINE Acknowledge ( OFLA ) H <-   E

Description: Acknowledge or Error


S01F17 Request ON-LINE ( RONL ) H   -> E reply

Description: The host requests the equipment communication status to transition to the ON-LINE state.

Structure: Header only

S01F18 ON-LINE Acknowledge ( ONLA ) H <-   E

Description: Acknowledge or Error


S02F00 Abort Transaction H <–> E

Description: The equipment does not recognize the function type in the message block header.

Structure: Used in lieu of an expected reply to abort a transaction. Function 0 is defined in every stream and has the same meaning in every stream.

S02F13 Equipment Constant Request ( ECR ) H   -> E reply

Description: Used to request Equipment Constant variable data that often
contains initial state or configuration information. A zero length list indicates to report all ECID’s according to a predefined order.

1. <ECID1>
n. <ECIDn>

S02F14 Equipment Constant Data ( ETD ) H <-   E

Description: Data in response to the S2F13 request. If n =”” 0, then no response exists. A zero length ECVi means that ECIDi does exist. If a zero-length list was specified by the host, the equipment constants are reported in order of VID.

1. <ECV>
n. <ECV>

S02F15 Equipment Constant Send ( ECS ) H   -> E reply

Description: Host send new value for Equipment Constants.

1. L,2
n. L,2

S02F16 New Equipment Constant Acknowledge ( ECA ) H <-   E

Description: Acknowledge or error on request to change equipment constants. If unable to change one ECID the whole request is rejected.


S02F17 Date and Time Request ( DTR ) H <–> E reply

Description: Used to request date and time information for synchronization with host.

Structure: Header only.

S02F18 New Equipment Constant Acknowledge ( ECA ) H <–> E

Description: Date and Time data.


S02F23 Trace Initialize Send ( TIS ) H   -> E reply

Description: Method to sample a subset of status variables as a function of time. The data is returned on S6F1 message and is related to the original request by the TRID. A trace function currently in progress may be terminated by S2F23 with TRID of that trace and TOTSMP =”” 0.

1. <TRID>
2. <DSPER>
5. L,n
1. <SVID1>
n. <SVIDn>

S02F24 Trace Initialize Acknowledge ( TIA ) H <-   E

Description: Acknowledge or Error


S02F29 Equipment Constant Namelist Request ( ECNR ) H   -> E reply

Description: The host uses this function to retrieve basic information about what equipment constants are available in the equipment. A zero-length list implies all ECIDs are to be reported.

1. <ECID1>
n. <ECIDn>

S02F30 Equipment Constant Namelist ( ECN ) H <-   E

Description: Data Response.

L,n (number of equipment constants)
1. L,6
2. L,6
n. L,6

S02F31 Date and Time Set Request ( DTS ) H   -> E reply

Description: Used to set date and time information on equipment.


S02F32 Date and Time Set Acknowledge ( DTA ) H <-   E

Description: Data signifying the equipment is online. A zero length
item indicates that no time exists.


S02F33 Define Report ( DR ) H   -> E reply

Description: The purpose of this message is for the host to define
a group of reports by RPTID.

A list of zero-length following RPTID deletes report type RPTID.
All links to this specific report are deleted also.

A list of zero length after DATAID deletes all report and link

2. L,a
1. L,2
1. <RPTID1>
2. L,b
1. <VID1>
b. <VIDb>
a. L,2
1. <RPTIDa>
2. L,c
1. <VID1>
c. <VIDc>

S02F34 Define Report Acknowledge (DRA) H <-   E

Description: Acknowledge or error on define report request. No partial changes
are accepted. All or nothing.


S02F35 Link Event Report ( LER ) H   -> E reply

Description: The purpose of this message is for the host to link n reports to a specific collection event ( CEID ). If this message is multi-block, it must be preceded by the S2F39 / S2F40 Inquire / Grant transaction

2. L,a
1. L,2
1. <CEID1>
2. L,b
a. L,2
1. <CEIDa>
2. L,c

S02F36 Link Event Report Acknowledge (LERA) H <-   E

Description: Acknowledge or error on link request. No partial changes
are accepted. All or nothing.


S02F37 Enable/Disable Event Report ( EDER ) H   -> E reply

Description: Used to enable and disable event reports for a group of CEID’s.

A list of zero length indicates to disable or enable all CEID’s
depending on the value of CEED.

1. <CEED>
2. L,n
1. <CEID1>
n. <CEIDn>

S02F38 Enable/Disable Event Report Acknowledge (EERA) H <-   E

Description: Acknowledge or error. If an error condition exists the entire S2F37 message is rejected.


S02F39 Multi-Block Inquire (DMBI) H   -> E reply

Description: If messages S2F33, S2F35, S2F45 involve more than one block
this transaction must precede the message.


S02F40 Multi-Block Grant (DMBG) H <-   E

Description: Grant message to send multi-block message.


S02F41 Host Command Send (HCS) H   -> E reply

Description: The host requests the equipment to perform a specified remote
command with the associated parameters. The parameters are
dependent on the remote command (RCMD) issued.

Refer to Remote Command Processing Section for details of

1. <RCMD>
2. L,n
1. L,2
n. L,2

S02F42 Host Command Acknowledge ( HCA ) H <-   E

Description: Acknowledge host remote command or error. If command
is not accepted due to one or more invalid parameters, then a
list will be returned containing the parameter name and the reason
for the error.

1. <HCACK>
2. L,n
1. L,2
n. L,2

S02F43 Reset Spooling Streams and Functions ( RSSF ) H   -> E reply

Description: This message allows the host to select specific streams and functions to be spooled whenever spooling is active. A zero length list of spooling IDs disabled all spooling. A zero length function ID will disable all spooling for a particular stream.

1. L,2
1. <STRID1>
2. L,n
m. L,2
1. <STRID1>
2. L,n

S02F44 Reset Spooling Acknowledge ( RSA ) H <-   E

Description: Acknowledge or Error in command to reset spooling.

2. L,m
1. L,3
m. L,3

S02F45 Define Variable Limit Attributes ( DVLA ) H   -> E reply

Description: Used by host to set upper and lower limits on variables.

2. L,m
1. L,2
1. <VID1>
2. L,n
1. L,2
2. L,p (p =”” {0,2})
n. L,2
2. L,p (p =”” {0,2})
m. L,2
1. <VIDm>
2. L,n
1. L,2
2. L,p (p =”” {0,2})
n. L,2
2. L,p (p =”” {0,2})

S02F46 Variable Limit Attributes Acknowledge ( VLAA ) H <-   E

Description: Acknowledge definition of variable limit attributes or report error. If DVLA is not accepted due to one or more invalid parameters then a list of invalid parameters is returned containing the variable limit attribute and reason for rejection. If an error condition is detected, the entire message is rejected. Partial changes are not allowed.

2. L,m
1. L,3
1. <VID1>
2. <LVACK1>
3. L,n (n =”” {0,2})
m. L,3
1. <VIDm>
2. <LVACKm>
3. L,n (n =”” {0,2})

S02F47 Variable Limit Attribute Request ( VLAR ) H   -> E reply

Description: This message allows the host to query the equipment for current variable limit attribute definitions. A zero length list implies that all VID values that can have variable limit attributes should be sent.

1. <VID1>
m. <VIDm>

S02F48 Variable Limits Attribute Send ( VLAS ) H <-   E

Description: Equipment sends values of requested variable limit attribute definitions in the order requested.

1. L,2
1. <VID1>
2. L,p (p =”” {0,4})
1. <UNITS1>
4. L,n (n is the number of defined limits)
m. L,2
1. <VIDm>
2. L,p (p =”” {0,4})
1. <UNITSm>
4. L,n (n is the number of defined limits)

S05F00 Abort Transaction H <–> E

Description: Used in lieu of an expected reply to abort a transaction. Function 0 is defined in every stream and has the same meaning in every stream.

S05F01 Alarm Report Send (ARS) H <-   E reply

Description: This message alarm condition within the equipment. One message will be sent when an alarm is set and one when an alarm is cleared. Some conditions may not have a clear condition.

L, 3

S05F02 Alarm Report Acknowledge ( ARA ) H   -> E

Description: Acknowledge or error for S5F1


S05F03 Alarm Report Send (ARS) H   -> E reply

Description: This message will change the state of the enable bit in the
equipment. The enable bit determines if the alarm will be sent
to the host.

L, 2

Exception: A zero-length item for ALID means all alarms.

S05F04 Enable/Disable Alarm Report Acknowledge ( EAA ) H <-   E

Description: Acknowledge or error for S5F3


S05F05 List Alarms Request (LAR) H   -> E reply

Description: This message requests the equipment to send alarm information to the host. A zero length list means send all possible alarm information regardless of state.


S05F06 List Alarm Data (LAD) H <-   E

Description: This message contains alarm data known to the equipment.

1. L,3
m. L,3

S06F00 Abort Transaction H <–> E

Description: Used in lieu of an expected reply to abort a transaction. Function 0 is defined in every stream and has the same meaning in every stream.

S06F01 Trace Data Send ( TDS ) H <-   E reply

Description: This function sends sample data to the host according to the trace setup done by S2,F23.

1. <TRID>
2. <SMPLN>
3. <STIME>
4. L,n
1. <SV1>
2. <SV2>
n. <SVn>

S06F02 Trace Data Acknowledge ( TDA ) H   -> E

Description: Acknowledge or error for S6F1


S06F05 Multi-Block Data Send Inquire (MBI) H <-   E reply

Description: If discrete data report S6F3,F9,F11,F13 involved more than one block, this transaction must precede the transmission.


S06F06 Multi-Block Grant (MBG) H   -> E

Description: Grant message to send multi-block message.


S06F11 Event Report Send ( ERS ) H <-   E reply

Description: The purpose of this message is to send a defined, linked, and
enabled group of reports to the host upon occurrence of a CEID
collection event. A zero length list for reports means there are no
reports linked to this event.

L, 3
2. <CEID>
3. L,a
1. L,2
1. <RPTID1>
2. L,b
1. <V1>
b. <Vb>
a. L,2
1. <RPTIDa>
2. L,c
1. <V1>
c. <Vc>

S06F12 Event Report Acknowledge ( ERA ) H   -> E

Description: Acknowledge or error for S6F12. Reports acknowledge or error.


S06F15 Event Report Request (ERR) H   -> E reply

Description: Message from host requesting a linked report group from the equipment based on a collection event ( CEID ).


S06F16 Event Report Data (ERD) H <-   E

Description: Contains reports that are linked to the specified collection event. A zero length item indicates that there are no reports linked to this event.

Structure: (Identical to the structure of S06F11)

S06F19 Individual Report Request (IRR) H   -> E reply

Description: Message from host requesting a specific defined report from the equipment based on a defined report id (RPTID).


S06F20 Individual Report Data (IRD) H <-   E

Description: Contains variable report data for the requested RPTID.
A zero length list means no report of that ID defined.

1. <V1>
n. <Vn>

S06F23 Request Spooled Data (RSD) H   -> E reply

Description: The host requests the transmission or deletion of the messages currently spooled by the equipment.


S06F24 Request Spooled Data Acknowledgement Send ( RSDAS ) H <-   E

Description: This message is the acknowledgement of S6,F23 Request Spooled Data, and to respond with the appropriate acknowledge code.


S07F00 Abort Transaction H <–> E

Description: Used in lieu of an expected reply to abort a transaction. Function 0 is defined in every stream and has the same meaning in every stream.

S07F01 Process Program Load Inquire (PPI) H <–> E reply

Description: This message is used to load or select from stored programs. It may be used to start the transfer of a process program.

1. L,2

S07F02 Process Program Load Grant (PPG) H <–> E

Description: This message is used to allow the process program to be loaded.

<PPGNT> 1-byte binary

S07F03 Process Program Send (PPS) H <–> E reply

Description: The process program is sent. If the message is multi-block, it must a S7F1/F2 message set must proceed this message.

1. L,2

S07F04 Process Program Acknowledge (PPA) H <–> E

Description: Process program send acknowledgement


S07F05 Process Program Request H <–> E reply

Description: Request the transfer of a process program.


S07F06 Process Program Data (PPD) H <–> E

Description: The message contains the process program.

1. L,2

Exception: A zero length list means the request was denied

Note: The equipment to host transfer of a process program allows the equipment to create process programs and transfer them to the host, setting the R bit in the header. This allows the equipment to be used if the host does not have the ability to create process programs.

S07F17 Delete Process Program Send (DPS) H   -> E reply

Description: The host requests the equipment to delete a process program.

L,n (Number of process programs to delete)
1. <PPID1>
n. <PPIDn>

Exception: If n =”” 0, then delete all process programs

S07F18 Delete Process Program Acknowledge (DPA) H <-   E

Description: Acknowledge or error


S07F19 Current EPPD Request (RER) H   -> E reply

Description: This message requests the current process program directory on the equipment.

Structure: Header only

S07F20 Current EPPD Data (RED) H <-   E

Description: This message contains the equipment’s current process program directory.

L,n (Number of process programs in the directory)
1. <PPID1>
n. <PPIDn>

S07F27 Process Program Verification Send (PVS) H <-   E reply

Description: This message verifies that a process program was received and checked by the equipment.

1. L,2
1. <PPID>
2. L,n (n=”Number” of Errors)
1. L,3
2. L,3
n. L,3

Exception: A zero length list indicates no errors were found.

S07F28 Process Program Acknowledge (PVA) H   -> E

Description: Acknowledgement of the process program verification

Structure: Header only

S07F29 Process Program Verification Inquire (PVI) H <-   E reply

Description: Asks for permission to send a multiblock process program verification


S07F30 Process Program Verification Grant (PVG) H   -> E

Description: Reply to the equipment, from the host, for a process program verification inquire.


S09F00 Abort Transaction H <–> E

Description: Used in lieu of an expected reply to abort a transaction. Function 0 is defined in every stream and has the same meaning in every stream.

S09F01 Unrecognized Device ID ( UDN ) H <-   E

Description: The device ID in the message block header did not
correspond to any known device ID in the node
detecting the error.


S09F03 Unrecognized Stream Type ( USN ) H <-   E

Description: The equipment does not recognize the stream type in the
the message block header.


S09F05 Unrecognized Function ( UFN ) H <-   E

Description: The receiver does not recognize the function type in the
the message ID.


S09F07 Illegal Data ( IDN ) H <-   E

Description: The message indicates that the stream and function type
were recognized, but the associated data format could
not be recognized.


S09F09 Transaction Timer Timeout ( TTN ) H <-   E

Description: This message indicates that the transaction ( Receive ) timer
has timed out and that the corresponding transaction has been
aborted. It is up to the host to respond to this error in an
appropriate manner to keep the system operational.


S09F11 Data Too Long ( DLN ) H <-   E

Description: The equipment has been sent more data than it can handle.


S09F13 Conversation Timeout ( CTN ) H <-   E

Description: Data was expected but none was received within a reasonable length of time. Resources have been cleared.


S10F00 Abort Transaction H <–> E

Description: Used in lieu of an expected reply to abort a transaction. Function 0 is defined in every stream and has the same meaning in every stream.

S10F01 Terminal Request ( TRN ) H <-   E reply

Description: A terminal text message to host.

L, 2

S10F02 Terminal Request Acknowledge ( TRA ) H   -> E

Description: Acknowledge or error for S10F1. Reports acknowledge or error.


S10F03 A terminal text message to host. H   -> E reply

Description: A terminal text message to equipment.

L, 2

S10F04 Terminal Display Acknowledge, Single ( VTA) H <-   E

Description: Acknowledge or error for S10F3. Reports acknowledge or error.


S10F05 Terminal Display, Multi-Block( VTN) H   -> E reply

Description: Data to be displayed on the equipment’s display

L, 2
1. <TID>
2. L,n
1. <TEXT1>
n. <TEXTn>

S10F06 Terminal Display, Multi-Block Acknowledge ( VMA ) H <-   E

Description: Acknowledge or error for S10F5. Reports acknowledge or error.


S10F07 Multi-Block Not Allowed ( MNN ) H <-   E

Description: An error message form a terminal that cannot handle a multi-block message from S10F05


SECS Message Element Detail

All the meanings of each attribute are not described in this annotation. It is necessary to note not explained for mean of the use often with GEM-Standard passing.

ACKC5 Acknowledge code
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” OK
>0 =”” error
ACKC6 Acknowledge code
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” OK
>0 =”” error
ACKC7 Acknowledge code
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” Accepted
1 =”” Permission not granted
2 =”” Length Error
3 =”” Matrix overflow
4 =”” PPID not found
5 =”” Mode unsupported
ACKC7A Acknowledge code
GEM restricts the format to unsigned 1-byte integers. (I1[1],U1[1])
0 =”” accepted
1 =”” MDLN is inconsistent
2 =”” SOFTREV is inconsistent
3 =”” Invalid CCODE
4 =”” Invalid PPRAM value
5 =”” Other error (described by ERRW7)
ACKC10 Acknowledge code
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” accepted for display
1 =”” message will not be displayed
2 =”” terminal not available
ALCD Alarm Code byte
1-byte binary:(B[1])
Bit 8 =”” 1 means alarm set
Bit 8 =”” 0 means alarm cleared
Bit 7 – 1 is alarm category
0 =”” not used
1 =”” Personal safety
2 =”” Equipment safety
3 =”” Parameter control warning
4 =”” Parameter control error
5 =”” Irrecoverable error
6 =”” Equipment Status warning
7 =”” Attention flags
8 =”” Data integrity
>8 =”” other categories
ALED Alarm Enable/Disable code
1-byte binary:(B[1])
Bit 8 =”” 1 means enable alarm
Bit 8 =”” 0 means disable alarm
detail ex)
0 – 127 =”” disable alarm
128 – 255 =”” enable alarm
(Bit 8 =”” 1 means enable alarmBit 8 =”” 0 means disable alarm)
ALID Alarm identification
GEM restricts the format to unsigned integers.
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data:(Ix[x],Ux[x] : x=”1,2,4,8)
ALTX Alarm text limited to 40 characters:(A[40] : max =”” 40)
CEED Collection event enable/disable code
1-byte boolean:(BOOLEAN[1])
FALSE =”” Disable
TRUE =”” Enable
CEID Collected event ID
GEM restricts the format to unsigned integers
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data or characters:(Ix[x],Ux[x],A[n] : x=”1,2,4,8)
COMMACK Establish Communications Acknowledge Code
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” accepted
1 =”” denied or retry
CPACK Command Parameter Acknowledge Code
1-byte binary:(B[1])
1 =”” Parameter Name (CPNAME) does not exits
2 =”” Illegal Value specified for CPVAL
3 =”” Illegal Format specified for CPVAL
>3 =”” Other equipment-specified error
CPNAME Command Parameter Name
GEM restricts the format to ASCII.
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data or characters:(Ix[x],Ux[x],A[n] : x=”1,2,4,8)
CPVAL Command Parameter Value
any allowed data type.
GEM restricts the format to unsigned integers.
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data or characters:(Ix[x],Ux[x],A[n] : x=”1,2,4,8)
DATALENGTH Total bytes to be sent
GEM restricts the format to unsigned integers.
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data :(Ix[x],Ux[x] : x=”1,2,4,8)
DRACK Define Report Acknowledge Code
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” accept
1 =”” insufficient memory space or other serious error
2 =”” invalid format
3 =”” at least one RPTID already defined
4 =”” at least one VID does not exist.
DSPER Data sample period hhmmss, 6 bytes
6-byte ASCII in format “hhmmss”, or 8-byte ASCII in format “hhmmsscc”:(A[6])
EAC Equipment acknowledge code
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” OK
1 =”” denied-at least one constant does not exist
2 =”” denied-busy
3 =”” denied-at least one constant is out of range
ECDEF Equipment constant default value
Format is Equipment Constant instance specific
any allowed data type [specified in the GEM Variables database]
ECID Equipment constant ID
GEM restricts the format to unsigned integers.
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data or characters:(Ix[x],Ux[x],A[n] : x=”1,2,4,8)
ECMAX Equipment constant maximum value
Format is Equipment Constant instance specific
any allowed data type [specified in the GEM Variables database]
ECMIN Equipment constant minimum value.
Format is Equipment Constant instance specific
any allowed data type [specified in the GEM Variables database]
ECNAME Equipment constant name
ECV Equipment constant value
Format is Equipment Constant instance specific
any allowed data type [specified in the GEM Variables database]
EDID DATAID that should be received.
All Patterns.
S02F03 <SPID> A[6]
S02F13 <PTN> B[1]
S07F03 <PPID> A[80],B[80]
if S7F3 is returned: previously referenced PPID; ASCII
if S2F33 is returned: previously referenced DATAID; integer; another format can also be specified

ERACK Enable / Disable Event Report
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” accepted
1 =”” denied because at least one CEID does not exist
ERRW7 Text string describing error found in process program:(A[n])
FCNID Function ID
1-byte binary data:(U1[1])
GRANT Grant code
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” Permission granted
1 =”” Busy, try again
2 =”” No Space available(buffer size not large enough to handle message)
3 =”” Duplicate DATAID
GRANT6 Permission to send
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” OK
1 =”” busy
2 =”” not interested
HCACK Host Command Parameter Acknowledge Code
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” OK
1 =”” command does not exist
2 =”” cannot perform command now
3 =”” at least one parameter is invalid
4 =”” command will be performed with completion signaled later by an event.
5 =”” Rejected, Already in Desired Condition
6 =”” Object not exist.
LENGTH Length of the service program or process program in bytes
GEM restricts the format to unsigned integers.
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data :(Ix[x],Ux[x] : x=”1,2,4,8)
LIMITACK Acknowledgement code for variable limit attribute set
1-byte binary:(B[1])
1 =”” Limited does not exist
5 =”” Illegal format specified for UPPERDB or LOWERDB
6 =”” ASCII value cannot be translated to numeric
7 =”” Duplicate limit definition for this variable
LIMITID The identifier of a specific limit in the set of limits (as defined by UPPERDB and LOWERDB) for a variable to which the corresponding limit attributes refer
1-byte binary:(B[1])
LIMITMAX The maximum allowed value for the limit values of a specific variable. The equipment manufacturer should specify this value, which would typically coincide with the maximum value of the variable being monitored. The format must match that of the referenced variable.
Format is variable instance specific.
LIMITMIN The minimum allowed value for the limit values of a variable. The equipment manufacturer should specify this value, which would typically coincide with the minimum value of the variable being monitored. The format must match that of the referenced variable.
Format is variable instance specific.
LOWERDB A variable limit attribute which defined the lower boundary of the deadband of a limit. The value applies to a single limit (LIMITID) for a specified VID. Thus, UPPERDB and LOWERDB as a pair define a limit.
Format is variable instance specific.
LRACK Link Report Acknowledge Code
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” OK
1 =”” out of memory
2 =”” invalid format
3 =”” at least one CEID is already defined
4 =”” at least one CEID does not exist
5 =”” at least one RPTID does not exist
LVACK Limit VID Attribute Acknowledge Code
1-byte binary:(B[1])
1 =”” variable does not exist
2 =”” this variable cannot be monitored
3 =”” this variable has already been used in the same message
4 =”” limit value error per LMITACK
MDLN The model number of the piece of equipment
ASCII data, up to 6 bytes:(A[20]:max=”20)
MEXP message expected, in the form SxxFyy:(A[n])
MHEAD SECS message block header associated with block in error
the header block of the message
1-byte binary:(B[1])
OFLACK Acknowledge code for OFF-LINE request
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” OFF-LINE Acknowledge
ONLACK Acknowledge code for ON-LINE request
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” ON-LINE Acknowledge
1 =”” ON-LINE not allowed
2 =”” Equipment already ON-LINE
PPBODY Process Program body – The process program describes to the equipment, in its own language, the actions to be taken in processing the materials it receives.
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data or characters or binary:(Ix[x],Ux[x],A[n],B[n] : x=”1,2,4,8)
PPGNT Process Program grant status
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” OK
1 =”” already have
2 =”” no space
3 =”” invalid PPID
4 =”” busy, try later
5 =”” will not accept
PPID Process Program ID – Limited to a maximum of 80 bytes. The format used in the PPID will be host-dependant. For internal use of the equipment, the PPID can be treated as a unique binary pattern. If the local equipment is not prepared to display the transmitted code, the display should be in hexadecimal form.GEM restricts the format to ASCII. Format: 20
characters or binary:(A[x],B[x] : x=”80(max))
RCMD Remote command code or string
characters or integer 1 byte:(A[n],I1[1],U1[1])
GEM restricts the format to ASCII.
REPGSZ Reporting group size
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data or characters:(Ix[x],Ux[x],A[n] : x=”1,2,4,8)
GEM restricts the format to unsigned integers.
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data or characters:(Ix[x],Ux[x],A[n] : x=”1,2,4,8)
GEM restricts the format to unsigned integers.
RSACK Ready to Send Acknowledge
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” Acknowledge, OK (note that ‘OK’ differs from ‘ready’)
1 =”” invalid port number
2 =”” port is already occupied
3 =”” busy, unable to move material at this time. Try again
4 =”” receiver does not have permission to perform this operation
RSDA Request Spool Data Acknowledge
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” OK
1 =”” Denied, busy try later
2 =”” Denied, spooled data does not exist
RSDC Request Spool Data Code
1-byte binary:(U1[1])
0 =”” Transmit Spooled Messages
1 =”” Purge Spooled Messages
RSPACK Spool data Acknowledge
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” Acknowledge, OK
1 =”” Denied, spooled data does not set
SEQNUM Command Number – Value which identifies a unique program command by its position in the list of commands relative to the first command of the process program, SEQNUM is 1.
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data:(Ix[x],Ux[x] : x=”1,2,4,8)
GEM restricts the format to 2-byte unsigned integers.
SHEAD Stored header related tot he transaction timer
1-byte binary:(B[1])
SMPLN Sample number
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data:(Ix[x],Ux[x] : x=”1,2,4,8)
GEM restricts the format to unsigned integers.
SOFTREV The current revision of equipment control software
ASCII data, up to 6 bytes:(A[6]:max=”6)
STIME Sample Time
12 bytes YYMMDDhhmmss:(A[12])
YY =”” Year 00 – 99
MM =”” Month 01 – 12
DD =”” Day 01 – 31
hh =”” hour 00 – 23
mm =”” minute 00 – 59
ss =”” second 00 – 59
16 bytes YYYYMMDDhhmmsscc
YY =”” Year 0000 – 9999
MM =”” Month 01 – 12
DD =”” Day 01 – 31
hh =”” hour 00 – 23
mm =”” minute 00 – 59
ss =”” second 00 – 59
cc =”” centisecond 00 – 99
STRACK Spool Stream Acknowledge
1-byte binary:(B[1])
1 =”” Spooling not allowed for stream (i.e., Stream 1)
2 =”” Stream unknown
3 =”” Unknown function specified for this stream
4 =”” Secondary function specified for this stream
STRID Stream Identification
1-byte binary:(U1[1])
SV Status variable value
Format is Status Variable instance specific
any allowed data type [specified in the GEM Variables database]
SVID Status variable ID
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data or characters:(Ix[x],Ux[x],A[n] : x=”1,2,4,8)
SVNAME Status variable name
TEXT A single line of characters
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data or characters or binary:(Ix[x],Ux[x],A[n],B[n] : x=”1,2,4,8)
GEM restricts the format to ASCII.
TIAACK Equipment acknowledgement code
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” OK
1 =”” too many SVIDs
2 =”” no more traces allowed
3 =”” invalid period
TIACK Time Acknowledge Code
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” OK
1 =”” error
TID terminal no.
1-byte binary:(B[1])
0 =”” One terminal or main terminal.
>1 =”” additional terminal.
TIME Time of Day
ASCII data in the form yymmddhhmmss or yyyymmddhhmmsscc(TIMESTAMP);(A[12],A[16])
the host can send either format;
the format sent by the equipment depends on the value of equipment constant 9135 [TimeFormat]

12 bytes YYMMDDhhmmss
YY =”” Year 00 – 99
MM =”” Month 01 – 12
DD =”” Day 01 – 31
hh =”” hour 00 – 23
mm =”” minute 00 – 59
ss =”” second 00 – 59

16 bytes YYYYMMDDhhmmsscc
YY =”” Year 0000 – 9999
MM =”” Month 01 – 12
DD =”” Day 01 – 31
hh =”” hour 00 – 23
mm =”” minute 00 – 59
ss =”” second 00 – 59
cc =”” centisecond 00 – 99
TOTSMP Total sample to be made
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data or characters:(Ix[x],Ux[x],A[n] : x=”1,2,4,8)
GEM restricts the format to unsigned integers.
TRID Trace request ID
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data or characters:(Ix[x],Ux[x],A[n] : x=”1,2,4,8)
GEM restricts the format to unsigned integers.
UNITS Units identifier
UPPERDB A variable limit attribute which defined the upper boundary of the deadband of a limit. The value to a single limit (LIMITID) for a specified VID. Thus, UPPERDB and LOWERDB as a pair define a limit.
Format is Variable instance specific.
V Variable Data
Format is Variable instance specific.
VID Variable ID
unsigned 1-, 2-, 4- or 8-byte integer data or characters:(Ix[x],Ux[x],A[n] : x=”1,2,4,8)
GEM restricts the format to unsigned integers.
VLAACK Variable Limit Attribute Acknowledge Code
1-byte binary data:(B[1])
0 =”” OK
1 =”” error in defining limit attribute
2 =”” cannot perform at this time