Output to Total data |
Check this item.
If this item is not checked, CSV-file of total data will be not created.
Total data timer(SEC) |
If you check “Output to Total data”, you should input “Total data timer(SEC)”.
This item range is from 1 to 60(sec).
For example, if you input 11 to this item, the Total data of every 11 seconds will be added to CSV-file.
When the edit is finished, the “OK” button is clicked. Set information is reflected.
Start logging by same operation as
“How to log(monitor) SECS Message easy.”
After executing logging of a few minute , you will be able to find CSV-file(Total data) in the same directory where the SECS logging file is saved.
Also, this function was able to be enabled by changing the file by version 1.xx.
But this way is not supported at version 2.00 or later.
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